Pre-meeting tax questionnaire

Our Global Employer Services (GES) practice strives to provide you with the highest quality advice and assistance.

To this end, we've put together the following questionnaire for you to complete prior to your tax briefing with your Deloitte GES client service team.

Completion of the questionnaire will enable us to ensure that we are fully prepared for the tax briefing, and can provide you with more relevant and accurate advice.

To assist us in being suitably prepared for our meeting with you, we ask that you complete this questionnaire and submit it at least 48 hours prior to the meeting

Email address of the Deloitte person
client is meeting with:*
* = mandatory fields )
Deloitte Office:*  
Office location:  
Office e-mail address:  
General information
1) Last name (as per your passport):*  
2) Given name(s) (as per your passport):*  
3) Date of birth:*  /   /   
4) Place of birth:*  
5) Citizenship:*  
6) Current residential address:*  
7) Tax file number:  
8) Home phone number:  
9) Home fax number:  
10) Accompanying dependants:
a) Spouse/Partner:  Yes  No   
b) Spouse's last name (as per passport):  
c) Spouse's given name(s) (as per passport):  
d) Spouse/Partner citizenship:  
e) Spouse/Partner Employer:  
f) Spouse/Partner Position Title:  
g) Spouse email address:  
h) Children: Ages
Specifics about the assignment
1) Employer:*  
2) Position title:  
3) Work address:*  
4) Work phone number:*  
5) Mobile phone number:  
6) Email address:*  
7) Transferring:
a)  From:
b)  To:
8) Assignment start date:  /   /   
9) Expected assignment end date:  /   /   
10) Expected length of assignment:  
11) Visa details
a) Class:
b) Sub-class:
c) Length:
d) Spouse visa type if different:
12) Do you need assistance in visa application?* Yes   No
13) Do you have a letter of assignment or work contract?*
(If yes, please email it to your Deloitte contact)
Yes   No
Salary information (no need to provide this information if your Deloitte team has your assignment contract)
1) Will you continue to be paid by your home country payroll?* Yes   No  Unsure  N/A
2) Will you be tax equalised whilst on assignment?* Yes   No  Unsure  N/A
Currency (please specify) Details
1) Base salary
2) Hypothetical tax
3) Bonus
4) Retirement funding
5) Relocation allowance/reimbursement
6) Education allowance
7) Housing allowance/accommodation
8) Cost of living allowance
9) Home leave
10) Transport allowance/company car
11) Other benefits

If any of the following items apply to you, please bring any relevant documents to the meeting.
  Home country* Host country* Other  
1) Principal residence*: Details
2) Location of personal effects*
3) Investment properties*
4) Bank account(s)*
5) Shares*
6) Company share options/
restricted shares/
restricted stock units*
7) Controlling interest
in a private company*
8) Life insurance policies*
9) Retirement funds*
10) Interest in a trust/partnership*
11) Other (please provide details)

If Australia is your home country:
1) Do you have a personal/self-managed superannuation fund?
2) Are you or your spouse contributing members of a Commonwealth government superannuation fund?
By submitting your pre-meeting questionnaire you are confirming that you have agreed to this attached Consent Notice [click to open] and agree that Deloitte is authorised to act as your Tax Agent from next 1 July. As your Tax Agent, Deloitte can access your tax records with the Australian Taxation Office which reduces the administrative burden for you in managing your Australian tax affairs. If you have any questions or do not agree to the Consent Notice please contact your Deloitte representative.*
Grosvenor Place
225 George Street
Sydney 2000 NSW Australia
© 2022. See Terms of Use for more information. 

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Please see About Deloitte to learn more about our global network of member firms.